I've been feeling kind of run-down lately. Partly due to illness, partly due to the fix-up-the-house-at-all-costs mentality that comes with a new home. But whatever it is, I'm flat. I wondered today if it's because I haven't had a vacation in a very long time.
When I was a kid, vacations were the long breaks between the joyous end of June and the terrible woe of Labour Day in September. I remember weeks at our cottage in Manitoba, a trip across the northern US, and many other time sinks that seemed to narrow as I grew older. The last trip I really recall with my parents was a 3 day whirlwind drive through Montana, Idaho and the top corner of Washington. I spent most of it reading prep materials for my Grade 12 courses.
My last long vacation was in my 5th year of university (1997) when I was doing my English degree. I only had essays due at the end of the fall term, and no finals, as all my courses were year long. I remember leaving Queen's on the 3rd or 4th of December, and realizing that I had no responsibilities, exams, classes -- nothing for 5 whole weeks. During that long lazy winter break, I even remember thinking to myself that this was likely the longest break I'd get until retirement. Sobering.
The last three years, my long vacations have been: 2006 moving cross country and setting up house in Alberta (2 weeks), 2007 Bailey's birth (combined with parental leave 4 weeks), 2008 moving cross country (2 weeks). Hardly stress free relaxation time.
For me, the dream 'vacation' means packing bags, going to the airport and flying somewhere to lay on a beach sleeping and drinking pina coladas for 6 days. The last vacation where I flew somewhere was Florida in fall 2005, and that week was spent fighting a cold and putting up with Ronan (who also had a cold). Not good times.
What's your idea of a vacation, dear reader? Post your thoughts in the comments.
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