
Our casa is your casa

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

So tired this week -- I was just exhausted on Sunday, but then couldn't sleep until 3 am. I had a nap for 3 hours on Monday, and slept for 6 hours last night, with a sleeping pill. Woke up when the delivery guys came to drop off all our spare room furniture. Yay! But not a nice way to wake up though.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Friday --
No plans this weekend, but home improvements. I'm starting to think I should just sign my paycheque directly over to Home Depot.

Julie told her co-workers that she's preggers. Now comes my turn.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Man, it's been a month since my last blog.

What's happened since then?

Oh, yeah, I'm going to be a father. Wow, life changing experiences. Seriously. Julie's like 8 weeks pregnant now. I can't grasp it all.

Got a new laptop at work -- all Linux all the time baby. I'll post up my Linux switch document to julieandian.com when I feel like I've fully finished it (still some network issues to sort out).

My hand is mostly healed (see last blog) -- big lump of scar tissue though, and my nerve still isn't quite back to normal, but they tell me it will be.

Bianca loves me (my kitty). She's asleep on the floor beside me while I write this.

More about fatherhood later. I will try to maintain this blog better.