Apparently people do read this blog -- I had two people mention over the last week that I haven't had a posting in a while.
Currently reading: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Yeah, I know. But I was on vacation last week and I finished the Admiral Hornblower omnibus with two days left in the trip. So I borrowed this prequel to The DaVinci Code from my dad to cover the gap. It's okay so far, but I'm glad that I didn't give up any hard-earned cash to buy it.
Last movie watched: National Treasure starring Nicolas Cage. An okay film, but why, oh why, does Nicolas Cage keep getting cast in films that don't require any acting skill? He used to be good at acting. Now he has the same facial expressions and tone in every single movie. Nicolas, call Johnny Depp for some acting lessons, wouldya?
Current peeve: My new absentee neighbour who hasn't mowed his lawn in two months since moving in.
Most stressful moment: The first five minutes of takeoff to/from Calgary. Once I'm up, and the acceleration is over, and most of the bumps and drops are done, I can usually enjoy the flight (particularly if I have a beer before takeoff). But man, that first bit is just awful. Big props to Westjet for an exceptional flying experience (ha -- "props", get it?). I checked in using their website a few hours before the flight, dropped off my bags at the terminal in 2 minutes, and I really enjoyed their in-flight satellite TV. Much better than being forced to watch some crappy Keanu Reeves movie or nothing else. If I could fly Westjet everywhere instead of Air Canada (bad service, bad food, bad people, bad everything), I most assuredly would.
Best moment(s): Every second I spent with my niece Sara. Hands down winner. Other highlights: breakfast with my brother (Andrew) and best friend from high school (Gary); trips to the mountains in Banff and Kananaskis; reading on my parents back deck where there was such intense solitude and peace of mind; floating at the Banff hot springs; my Mom's roast beef dinner; getting a row of 3 seats all to myself on the flight home.
Favourite technology: My new 80 GB external drive. Stay tuned to this blog for additional details on what I plan to do with it.
If you do read these blog posts, please feel free to comment on them. I do appreciate any feedback.
Our casa is your casa