
Our casa is your casa

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hockey night in Edmonton

Thanks to my Dad, I'm going to be at tonight's Edmonton vs. Vancouver game. We have really good seats (apparently), so keep an eye out for me during the live telecast (Sportsnet West). I'll be wearing my dark blue Oilers jersey, and my red Canada hat.

Post a comment if you see me!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

When dreams fly

Lately I've been feeling the slippage of time more than ever. I don't know if it's seeing my kids growing up (so FAST!) makes me realize that I'm also getting older or what, but it's been hitting me a lot lately that I haven't really done a lot of "life" things.

I've never gone on a tropical vacation, or really any kind of "get on a plane and spend a week lying around" kind of vacation. I've never visited the Taj Mahal, or the Pyramids, or Maachu Picchu, or Tahiti. My dreams to cruise the Caribbean in a sailboat are still just wisps of nothing. I didn't spend a year backpacking through Europe -- as a matter of fact, the longest time off I've had in the last 10 years (not including paternity leaves) has been a 4 week break during Christmas of my final year of university in 1998.

It's more than vacation dreams. I've yet to finish any of my novels that I've started, let alone have one published. I have a lot of material goods and I'm grateful I don't have to sleep on a grate at night. However, at the age of 32, I still don't know what I want to do with my life -- a question I've been asked about since I was probably 12 or so.

Not a very uplifting post today, but I'm in a bit of a philosophical mood lately, and philosophy and happiness rarely go hand in hand.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Technical issues

Don't understand why there's two pics of Bailey here instead of just one.

At least you get double your cuteness quotient for the day!

Update: Fixed!

Friday, November 02, 2007

That's my girl!

Posted by Picasa

That's muh boy