
Our casa is your casa

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Why the heck do they not give you ketchup (or catsup for you weirdos out there) at the McD's drive through window anymore? Their french fries are barely palatable, even when they are piping hot. When they're soggy and cold (like 90%) of the time, the only way to choke 'em down is covered in tomato-based lubricants.

What a sad state of affairs -- and people think what's happening in the third world is a problem.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

File under "things I'm likely to forget as I get older"

Our kids' current nicknames (given by grandparents, parents and the children themselves):
Ronan (age 4)

  • Ronan D'Gonan
  • Ronan Dotcha-four
  • Ribbet's buddy
Bailey (age 1)
  • Bails
  • Bailey Mac-A-lay-ley
  • Bailey Dotcha-kay-ley
  • Haybales
  • Sugarbooger

More as I remember them.